Donations fund vital programs to help families, victims and first responders in affected communities.
The International Fire Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization, TAX ID 99-0435238.
All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Become a vital partner to the International Fire Foundation by joining the Chief's Donation Circle below:
Join the Annual Legacy Donor Program
Corporations and Foundations that support $10,000 to $1,000,000 in donation each year gain special recognition and benefits.
Recovery Partner
$10,000 - 99,999/yr
The Recovery sponsor is a community contribution to support local recovery, education and charitable programs.
Visionary Partner
$100,000 - $249,000/yr
The Visionary Partner is a generous contribution to support critical life safety programs and prevention initiatives.
Legacy Partner
The ranks of our most dedicated supporters and leave a lasting legacy. Legacy Partners are immortalized across IFF as a community pillar.
Champion Partner
$250,000 - $499,999/yr
The Champion Partner raises a significant investment to help IFF expand our reach and impact. Gifts from community champions allow IFF to rebuild homes.
Hero Partner
$500,000 - $999,999/yr
The hero partner gives extraordinary support to enable IFF to make a transformative differences across the United States
Join the Chief's Donation Circle
Individual philanthropists who give $1,000+ each year gain special recognition and benefits. Participants do not have to be a firefighter to participate in the Fire Chief's Donation Circle; we welcome all members to join our Chief's Circle!
Firefighter Sponsor
Four tickets a local of Fundraiser, Charity or Event with attendance recognition
Invitation to local rebuild site, meet the local families and victims you directly support
Special recognition in the International Fire Foundation Newsletter
Engineer Sponsor
All member benefits, in addition:
Two tickets to the Annual Chief's Celebration
Fire Chief Sponsor
All Rank Circle benefits, in addition:
Four tickets (total) to the Annual Chief's Celebration
Four entries into local or Annual Golf Fundraiser (Benefactor's Choice)
Invitations to all local events, special ticket events, and exclusive project celebrations
Special recognition at all events, if desired. (Please notify event coordinator prior to all attendance for special recognition)
Captain Sponsor
All member benefits, in addition:
Two tickets to the Annual Chief's Celebration
One entry into local or Annual Golf Fundraiser
Invitation to local events and fundraisers
Battalion Chief Sponsor
All Rank Circle benefits, in addition:
Four tickets (total) to the Annual Chief's Celebration
Two entries into local or Annual Golf Fundraiser (Benefactor's Choice)
Invitations to all local events, special ticket events, and exclusive project celebrations
The International Fire Foundation is a 501(C)3
EIN: 99-0435238
Community Leader Resources